
Year-End Tax Planning Opportunities Are Here

Year-end is rapidly approaching, as are the holidays. So, before you become distracted with the seasonal celebrations, it may be in your best interest to consider year-end tax moves that can benefit you for both 2022 - 2023 and 2023 - 2024. Here are last-minute tax...

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Payroll Protection Plan Forgiveness

Were you one of the lucky companies who received Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds?  If you want to have those funds forgiven, you are required to spend those funds over the next 8 weeks on employee and office costs. Below is the required guidelines for Paycheck...

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Paycheck Protection Program

There is a new emergency loan program that will provide cash-flow assistance to those small businesses impacted by the current COVID-19 quarantine situation.  The Paycheck Protection Program, commonly referred to as the PPP, is a program that is structured to fit...

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2020 Revised Form W4 – Are You Ready?

When you hire an employee who starts in 2020, you must give them the newly designed Form W-4, which is less complex, more transparent, and makes it easier for your employees’ withholding to match their tax liability. The new form has been renamed Employee’s...

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Don’t Mess with the IRS!

While some tax obligations come with safety valves, such as the option of filing for an extension on income tax returns, there is no leeway with payroll taxes. If you file your reports or make withholding deposits late, the meter on interest and penalties starts...

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Employee Theft

Employee time theft is a serious crime and occurs when an employee gets paid for time or work they did not do. If you pay a full-time employee $20 per hour, and they steal ten minutes every day, that employee costs you $869 per year in stolen time. If you have 30...

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The Importance of Tracking Employees Time

When a business utilizes a timekeeping system for tracking employees time, they typically have fewer payroll errors. For example, time is not inflated, it’s easier to track overtime and vacation accruals, and it assists with staying in compliance of current labor...

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Keep Your Employees Happy; Outsource Payroll

A happy staff is typically more productive. Businesses can save money by employing one productive person rather than two unproductive people. You may be wondering what you can do to keep your staff happy and productive. There are several ways, and payroll is a great...

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Keep Your UI Rate Low

Did you know that the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) requires all employers with at least one employee to carry Unemployment Insurance (UI)? Unemployment Insurance is a state pool funded by employers to pay employees who find themselves in need of...

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Certified Payroll Reports Are Complicated

If your company has been awarded a contract for a federally funded project, you must pay your workers at least prevailing wages (including fringe benefits) according to the Davis-Bacon Act. You will be required to pay your employees weekly and submit a weekly...

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Something Phishy

"Phishing" is defined as the attempt to gather secure information such as usernames, passwords, credit card info, etc. by posing as a trustworthy business or organization in electronic communication. A common form of taxpayer phishing we have seen lately involves...

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Make Life Easier – Outsource Your Bookkeeping!

The tedious task of bookkeeping can quickly consume your precious time. It’s one of those things business owners often put off and rarely enjoy. We understand that when it comes to bookkeeping, a little help can go a long way. That’s why we customize our bookkeeping...

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Help Us Reach Our Goal!

Donate to the Payroll Vault SuperStars Sports Challenge to benefit Partners Mentoring Youth! The SuperStars Sports Challenge is a unique sporting event aimed at raising awareness of and funds for Larimer County Partners Mentoring Youth, a one-to-one youth mentoring...

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Join us for the Payroll Vault Ribbon Cutting!

Join us next Tuesday, July 29 at 4:30 pm for our Ribbon Cutting Located at the Key2 Accounting & Payroll Vault office 375 E. Horsetooth Rd BLDG 2 STE 101 Fort Collins Hosted by Fort Collins Payroll Vault in conjunction with the Loveland Chamber of Commerce Stop by...

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